Gaunty interview for Tshirt factory blog

Those of you that stalk us on Facebook remember that they’ve already been threatened with this interview from Gaunty (Colin Gauntlett) who is an remarkable illustrator and gave us a crazy amazing interview! You already know him and his style if you have been following this blog, so you know I am incredibly pleased to have obtained this short insight into his life. but this blog is for you all reading it, so if you want us to feature someone in particular do not hesitate to let me know in the comment section. Let’s get on to the fun part and take pleasure in his words of wisdom – thank you, Gaunty! Du er fantastisk!
Gaunty interview for Tshirt factory blog !
Oana: tell our readers a little about yourself: where are you from, where do you reside and what is your main profession?
Gaunty: Well, I am English but currently live in Bolivia with my American partner as her parents are Bolivian. My parents live in France just to complicate things a little more. Freelance illustration is my main source of income although I substitute occasionally at an English academy opposite my house.
Happy momentsO: Why did you decide to become an illustrator?
Gaunty: I always end up moving around a lot and illustrations became an easy way to do art. I was always a lot more of a 3D person at college and university but you need a lot of space and materials and it becomes costly. I want to take up chip carving soon as another way to make my ideas come alive but it’s hard to find the tools here in Bolivia.
O: What was your first professional design?
G: Liz from mama feels good was the first person to purchase one of my designs but I don’t think it was ever used. My first commissioned piece was for Cavata and I believe it is still one of their best sellers to this day.
Gaunty for CavataO: Do you work alone or are you in any collaboration?
Gaunty: due to my location at present I am not in any collectives although it might be great in the future if I step to a country with a lot more t tee shirt designers.
O: tell us a little about La Muerta and how did you get involved?
Gaunty: Twitter is to blame for us getting together. I saw Luis the owner was a surfer and we just got chatting and in the end he picked up a design I had done earlier and I have been doing some other stuff for him in recent months. He is a terrific person and I really like where he is taking his product. He also knows the best surf and eats in San Diego which gives him perk points.
O: What do you use – 100% digital or is there paper involved?
Gaunty: I do occasionally use pen and ink but due to my designs normally being quite symmetrical it is much easier to map them out on the computer. I do try and shade them without using special brushes. All the stippling I do is just with a normal brush tool.
Gaunty coat of armsO: What are your works based on or what do they revolve around? A theme or an idea you keep slipping into your illustrations?
Gaunty: undoubtedly I draw what I am asked to draw but when I do my own designs up for sale or just because then they normally have a touch of ye olde world about them. I’m heavily influenced by Celtic designs but I try to give them an update and add my own characters that wouldn’t be considered traditional.
O: how would you describe your style?
Gaunty: clean lines, bold ideas and concepts and hopefully original.
O: What’s one source of inspiration that you keep going back to?
Gaunty: like I said the Celtic thing absolutely inspires me. being able to envisage a pattern and create it is fun. It’s like a puzzle for me and I take pleasure in the challenge.
O: how do you get rid of designer’s block?
Gaunty: It used to be going for a surf but ideal now I’m landlocked and running has become a good way to clear the cobwebs out and start over.
O: Is there anything that you specifically avoid using in your illustrations?
Gaunty: I try to stay clear of some elements that pop up all the time like sharks, eagles, skulls etc. but often they slip in there but I try to put a spin on them and make them my own.
Master’s ruinO: Is there anything that you’ve never quite been able to depict?
Gaunty: Bikes and cars. I suck at them. Let’s no go there. NÆSTE.
O: Can you name some of your favorite designs and why? (personal or other designers)
Gaunty: The Moby Dick design Keaton Henson did for Greg from Miles to Go is an amazing design. So basic but it looks great. a lot of of the Latino inspired stuff Jonny Crap does is also pretty phenomenal. So much terrific stuff out there really I could go on for days.
Colin Gauntlett aka GauntyO: tell me something you really like in the graphic design industry.
Gaunty: getting the chance to meet and work with remarkable people with similar ideas about life and getting to do new things all the time. this week I have been working on a design for a guitar pedal. would never have thought about doing that 5 years ago.
O: What about something that you don’t like?
G: enormous egos.At se folk få masser af arbejde og nyde deres hoveder udvide med en uforholdsmæssig hastighed. Jeg ser virkelig op til kunstnere, der har opnået meget i denne service, men er stadig ydmyge.
O: Grafiske designere/kunstnere, du beundrer?
Gaunty: Kan jeg bare give en top 5? Der er meget mere, men igen kunne jeg sidde her i flere dage.
Drew Millward
Keaton Henson
Jon Contino
O: Hvad arbejder du på ideelt nu?
Gaunty: En cd -ærme. Dette er min første, der vil blive trykt og ikke bare brugt digitalt, så det er ret spændende. Jeg tegner også ideer til et stykke til en udstilling i august.
O: Eventuelle anbefalinger til unge designere om, hvordan man får deres arbejde derude og promoverer det?
Gaunty: Sælg ikke dig selv kort. Kontakt så mange mennesker som du kan. Jo meget mere dit navn er derude, jo bedre. Men gør det professionelt. Send ikke 2 linje -e -mails fra din iPhone. Har en portefølje klar til at vise, og sørg for, at den har arbejde i det, der er i forhold til de potentielle kunder, du kontakter.
Chimera – T -tee -shirten op til salg i Gaunty’s Shop på kun $ 15.
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